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Our Mission


A coalition for teens by teens,

educating and empowering teens to make 

healthy decisions and actions against

alcohol, tobacco, and drug use.

Our History


The UthMpact and StandUP Polk Coalitions began in 2005 with a community forum to discuss underage drinking and develop strategies needed to reduce the increased rates of drinking and  binge drinking. In 2006, the members of the two coalitions met to work together through a strategic planning framework and develop mission statements, bylaws, and membership recruitment strategies. 

Currently, the Coalition is extremely strong with hundreds of adult participants and well over 100 students who partner on projects such as Social Norms and Social Marketing Campaigns, awareness raising, membership recruitment, and many others year round.


Successful Coalition efforts include:


  • UthMpact Facts Social Norms Campaign educates about tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, and prescription drugs

  • UthMpact Social Marketing Campaigns educate about bullying and distracted driving


  • Permanent drop sites in the county for safe and proper prescription drug disposal 


  • Project Prom & Project Hoco: annual formal wear collection and distribution events that educate youth and parents about alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and other risky behaviors around Prom, Homecoming, and Graduation time and provide free formal wear and accessories to deserving high school students who may not otherwise be able to afford them


  • Drug Take Back Days have collected an average of 1,500 pounds of prescription and over-the-counter human and pet medication each year


  • Leadership Program educates youth about their community                                                                                

  • Executive Board Members are youth leaders who have attended many training workshops and participated in programs and activities that have taught them how to lead their own coalition efforts, committees and events throughout the year


  • Multiple training opportunities for the public, coalition leadership, and staff


  • Own the Upside – a Social Norms Marketing Campaign and educational program for parents to share valuable information about substance abuse issues and prevention strategies


  • Annual Drug Summit was launched in 2009 and is now known as the Annual Prevention Summit, an informative event that addresses current prevention issues


  • Over 1,000 hours of service to the community promoting healthy lifestyles each year.

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