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What is Social Norming?

The Social Norms Approach attempts to "normalize" perceptions that are wrong when it comes to certain behaviors. In other words, many teens may think that a majority of their peers use alcohol and other drugs, but the truth is, MOST DO NOT! 


UthMpact’s social norming campaigns have been developed over the past decade. We use a “Think Tank” and focus groups to develop and test our own designs, known as "UthMpact Facts", which we share with our own peers. Changing perception changes behavior! 


Social Norming

Our Current Social Norms:


of students in Polk County grades 6th-12th DO NOT use Marijuana. 

2018 Alcohol Shirt.jpg


of students in Polk County grades 6th-12th DO NOT use Alcohol. 


of students in Polk County grades 6th-12th DO NOT use Tobacco Products. 


of students in Polk County grades 6th-12th DO NOT Vape or use




of students in Polk County grades 6th-12th DO NOT abuse Prescription Drugs.

How is social norming applied?

We place social norm facts on T-shirts, footballs and other promotional items that we like and think our peers would like to have. Then, we distribute those items to teens throughout the community to
share our social norms messaging.


It’s amazing to watch how the information will travel throughout the community!  

Check out the 

Florida Youth Substance Abuse Survey (FYSAS)

Hey Parents! Check Out:

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